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Thanks for this. It's so difficult to explain positive psychology without sounding whacky. Possibilities rather than constraints.


Thanks for this. It's so difficult to explain positive psychology without sounding whacky. Possibilities rather than constraints.


"Similarly, how might business be changed if possibility rather than constraints were the focus of business management and research? "

You are clearly not a project manager, or at least not a successful project manager. I used to work at a very creative place I likened to a big sandbox...we were all encouraged to play and to do our best, joyous work. Problem was, everyone fought over the toys, no one wanted to leave, and heaven forbid anyone should try to actually clean out the sandbox. Did we get anything done? Sure, begrudgingly. I bailed before the funder report was due; I hear they're behind on deliverables.

I'm generally disheartened by this whimsical stream of thought that if we could all just PLAY more, more would get done. Positive psychology is a different animal altogether, engendering good will and effort towards a collective goal. The best, creative output comes out when thoughts are focused on a goal...The rest is the tattered remnants of an unresolved childhood.

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