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Lisa E.

This just goes to show how nerdy I am. The new Japanese puzzle that Mr. Shortz is introducing this year isn't Can Can, it's Ken Ken. I am ashamed of myself for noticing.

Thanks for the wonderful summary of the session. It was a lot of fun!

Lisa E.

This just goes to show how nerdy I am. The new Japanese puzzle that Mr. Shortz is introducing this year isn't Can Can, it's Ken Ken. I am ashamed of myself for noticing.

Thanks for the wonderful summary of the session. It was a lot of fun!

Lisa E.

This just goes to show how nerdy I am. The new Japanese puzzle that Mr. Shortz is introducing this year isn't Can Can, it's Ken Ken. I am ashamed of myself for noticing.

Thanks for the wonderful summary of the session. It was a lot of fun!

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  • Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose: Natural History in Early America

  • Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe

  • The Year of Living Biblically

  • The Nasty Bits

  • The Superorganism: The Beauty, Elegance and Strangeness of Insect Societies

  • Road to Lost Innocence

  • Nonprofit Guide to the Internet

  • Kitchen Confidential

  • Journey to the Ants

  • Journal for Jordan

  • Ice, Mud and Blood

  • Great Sex after 50

  • In the Heart's Deep Core

  • Bones, Rocks and Stars
