Can we simultaneously visualize sensory impossibilities, to see, for example, four spacial dimensions instead of three? David Hume famously described our imaginings as but faint impressions of the original sensation. Other schools of thinking, as Eric Schwitzgebel points out at the Splintered Mind, suggest that our visual imaginings are sourced somewhere in the mind, though this still leaves the central question unanswered.
Can we simultaneously "see" sensory impossibilities?
In one sense, yes. Repeated tests over decades show that at the quantum level, the physical world exists as unrealized probabilities, a factual world inaccessible to us until we interact with it through test and experimentation, or, far more enjoyably, in the arms of the people we love, or contentedly walking among the autumn colors in the woods. Improbable? yes. Impossible? no.
If that process remains a mystery except through experience, we know that through experience it might be reverse engineered through song and art. Artist Matthew Ritche has helped create an opera set in the quantum world. And here talks about The Morning Line, his effort to cross that "impossible" boundary, to "take drawing into the environment."